How To Draw A Moth – 8 Simple Steps To Create A Beautiful Moth Drawing
Creating A Pretty Moth Drawing In Just Eight Easy Steps
In this free art lesson, you’ll learn how to make a Moth drawing step-by-step. You have a chance to learn to draw a moth with us in eight easy steps. In each step, we always have pictures to illustrate for you to have unlimited fun and efficiently accomplish the task of drawing a moth. Doing this task takes about 30 minutes; it is a fun job for you. It is not a simple task, but it is not too difficult; all you need to do is focus on doing it. Follow our instructions; the final image will surely satisfy you. Moth drawing tutorials are arranged from easy to complex; whether you are a beginner or an expert in the drawing field, you can do this task easily.
How To Draw A Moth – Let’s Get Started!

Like butterflies, moths are very lovely with their wings; if we had to choose the most beautiful insect, we would not hesitate to vote for butterflies or moths. Moth lives in all environments except the polar regions. Like all butterflies, moths have four stages in their life circle: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult (imago). You will learn to draw a lovely moth with a pair of wings. But before you must prepare tools such as A4 paper, pencil, pen, eraser…Then you will draw for a moth by using a pencil to draw on a4 paper; next, you will erase the wrong lines and highlight the correct lines. You will quickly erase the foul lines, so draw freely with your mood, don’t be afraid to draw wrong. Once you are happy with your moth drawing, you can choose suitable colors and make coloring for your product. By joining in this drawing activity, you can forget stress and anxiety; after the hard-working hours, you can come here and enjoy it for free. Good entertainment helps you reduce stress and improve your quality of life; why not learning to draw is a healthy activity good for health and mood. Along with this moth drawing guide, you can refer to moth coloring pages to practice your drawing and coloring skill. And now, let’s go to eight steps to learn how to draw a moth with us!
Step 1 – Draw Head And Body For Moth

You draw the head and body of your insect in the first step of our guide on how to draw a moth. You draw an oval for a head; then, you draw two long lines for antennas. You continue drawing the body with a pointed triangle. Then you use the short straight line at the body as you see in our reference image. You can move to the second step if you are happy with your image.
Step 2 – Draw A Wing Section For Moth

In this second step of your moth drawing, you will start with its wing section. You will use a curved line to draw to the left side of the body to spread the wings, then circle up, and you have completed a part of the branch for your moth as our illustration. Do you find it difficult? I don’t see it as complex; please observe and draw it in the most comfortable mood.
Step 3 – Add More A Wing Section For Moth

Like the mission of step 2, you continue to draw a wing section for your moth. Below the drawn wing, use another curved line to draw another wing; this part will be broader but longer than the body. You have to draw the moth’s wings and body to be the same, then your drawing is guaranteed to be beautiful. That’s all task you realize in this step, and move to the fourth step right now.
Step 4 – Draw A Mirror Image For The Next Wing Section

You have drawn the left wing of the moth, and now your task will be to draw the right wing for it. You would also draw a long curved line to the right to represent the broad wings of your moth. You get experience with wing section drawing to realize your task quickly.
Step 5 – Complete The Moth’s Wing

You will have to draw an extra part of the wing in this fifth step of your moth drawing as you see in our reference image. It’s simple, so you take some minutes to finish and go to the next step right now.
Step 6 – Decorate For Moth’s Wing

Your task in this sixth step of your moth drawing is to show the pattern of wings. But before, you must draw the outline of the upper left-hand side of the wing. Then, you will add some decoration details for patterns that look pretty intricate, and while it is quite complex, it’s also not as hard as you may think to draw it. You can stop your work here and continue to decorate your drawing in the next step.
Step 7 – Finish Off Your Drawing Mission

As for your work, you must be done in step 6. You continue to decorate your moth in this step. You will draw the outline of the side of the moth’s wing. Then add the patterns for your insect. It is excellent that you complete your month drawing without color, and right now, you will choose the suitable colors for your product in the last step.
Step 8 – Color Your Moth

It’s time to choose suitable colors for your drawing. You can use any color you like to make coloring for your product. There is no set rule for choosing colors, so in this step, you are completely free with your choice. Either you can choose the color you like, or you choose the same color as our moth drawing, it’s up to you to decide.
Your Moth Drawing Is Complete
You finish your drawing and coloring tasks on our guide on how to draw a moth. Right now, you can practice your skill and enjoy them. Very interesting, this activity is not only designed for kids but also for adults can enjoy. You feel more comfortable when you draw and make coloring. On our website, you can enjoy many drawing guides about insects such as butterfly drawing or firefly drawing, dragonfly drawing, you can come here each day and enjoy it when you are free. We update our education products for free daily, you can recommend your friends, your relatives,…I hope you like them. Have fun with moth drawing!