7 Simple Steps To Create A Cute Cicada Drawing – How To Draw A Cicada
Perform Your Task to create a Cicada Drawing In seven Steps
Have you ever wondered about making a cicada drawing? Today you will have a chance to draw it in seven easy steps with us.
In the biological world around us, insects exist many types. From the smallest, we can’t see to the giant insects.
Cicadas are a unique insect not only in their appearance but also in their loud singing.
They live all over the world, appear in the summer, and often live in groups on the branches of trees.
Because of the uniqueness of cicadas, drawing cicadas is fun but also challenging today for you.
You will go to step by step with our instructions and finish the mission in each step. There are seven steps equivalent to seven tasks that you must pass to get a complete cicada.
Drawing insects in general and cicadas, in particular, is never easy. Still, you focus and will finish it gently if you stay calm and follow step by step in our tutorial.
Prepare all necessary supplies such as a pen, pencil, A4 paper, color, and eraser before starting to draw; then, you will proceed to draw with a pencil and paper; you will easily erase your mistakes if you use a pencil to draw. Once you get a perfect cicada drawing, you can choose the suitable colors for your product.
Along with this drawing guide, you can enjoy cicada coloring pages free to practice your drawing and coloring.
Your ability to draw and color will improve if you regularly practice.
Let’s go to seven steps on how to draw a cicada with us right now!
How To Draw A Cicada – Let’s Get Started!

Step 1 – Draw Cicada’s Head

You start drawing the cicada with details on its head. There are quite a few missions for you here, as the top has many small pieces. Look at our reference image and follow along if you find it challenging to do the task slowly.
Once you’re happy with your work, you can go to the second step.
Step 2 – Draw Cicada’s Antenna

In this step of our guide on how to draw a cicada, you must create two antennas for your insect. Very simple, you use two curved lines for this task and finish off it.
You also add two minor points and complete its eyes as you see in our illustration.
You have completed the task in this step and are ready to move on to the next step.
Step 3 – Draw Cicada’s Body Outline

The body of the cicada has a lot of details that you need to draw. However, in this step of your cicada drawing, you only need to use two curves that meet at a point that is a body part. It’s simple; you only need a few minutes to complete the task in this third step.
You can move to the fourth step and continue your task for your cicada drawing.
Step 4 – Draw Cicada’s Wings Outline

It’s time to draw the wings for your insect. Cicadas have two lovely wings but in this step. You need to sketch its wings, and the wings will be fully drawn in the next step.
You continue to use two curved lines that meet at a point for each wing. This task is also simple, and you only need a few minutes to complete it before moving on to the next step to draw details for your insect’s wings.
Step 5 – Add Details For Cicada’s Wings

You continue your mission of our guide on how to draw a cicada by adding the details for two wings.
You also use the curves for this task, as you see in our reference picture.
The cicada’s wings are almost complete and need a few more details to decorate the wings better in the next step.
Step 6 – Finish Off Your Drawing Mission

The cicada is indispensable for legs, and your task in this step is to draw the legs of your insect. Cicadas have six legs, and here we see only four complete legs and part of the other two legs. So we draw only the details of the legs that we can see. As we see in our reference image, you use curved lines to draw your insect’s legs, two front legs and four rear legs.
Before moving to the last step for coloring your cicada drawing, you can add some details to decorate your insect.
In addition to the details we already have in our reference image, if you’re late, you can add your details, so your insect shows off your style.
Step 7 – Color Your Cicada

You will choose the suitable colors for your insect. It depends on your hobby about color that you can choose the color for your products. As you see in our reference image, we use light brown for the wings, black for the head, antennas, and legs, and red for its eyes.
Your Cicada Drawing Is Complete
You finish your drawing and coloring task on drawing a cicada. In about 30 minutes, I hope you have the most relaxing time with our cicada drawing tutorial. I hope you won’t have any trouble learning to draw with simple instructions and illustrations.
When you finish drawing cicadas, you will attract a lot of experience in learning to draw. Visit our website Coloringcool.com regularly to take part in drawing lessons on different topics such as Insects, Mammals, Disney, etc.
You also can find more drawing guides similar to the cicada drawing guide such as fly drawing, dragonfly drawing, butterfly drawing, or firefly drawing. We update them daily and are free for you. Please come here each day to enjoy them in your free time. I hope you like our education product and recommend that your friends and relatives know us.