6 Simple Steps To Create A Lovely Sparrow Drawing – How To Draw A Sparrow
Go To Six Steps Getting A Complete Sparrow Drawing
Why don’t to enjoy our new sparrow drawing guide for free on our website?
In the natural world, there are many types of birds of different sizes and colors, some birds are as big as eagles, but there are tiny birds like sparrows.
Each bird species has intriguing characteristics that deserve to be discovered by us.
Sparrows are small, cute, and live all over the world.
They may be small, but they’re also super fun to learn to draw; here’s a new challenge for you today.
There are six steps equivalent to six missions that you must complete to get a perfect product. You will go to step by step to finish all work of our guide on how to draw a sparrow.
Drawing a sparrow is not an easy challenge for you, but keep calm and follow our instructions. I believe you will be satisfied with the final result.
Please take some supplies such as a pen, pencil, paper, and eraser before starting to draw a sparrow.
Along with this drawing guide, you can enjoy sparrow coloring pages to practice your drawing and coloring skill.
Now, let’s get started to draw a sparrow with us!
How To Draw A Sparrow – Let’s Get Started!

Step 1 – Draw Sparrow’s Outline

You will begin to draw the sparrow with curves that outline its entire body.
Starting from the beak, then the head and body, and finally, you sketch the sparrow’s tail.
At the sparrow’s tail, you can use some lines to decorate its tail more excellent and more realistic.
You finish your task in this step and are ready for step 2.
Step 2 – Draw Eyes, Ears, And A Part of Wings

There are quite a few sparrow details you need to do in this step
You will draw the sparrow’s eye with an oval shape, then use a small diamond to show its ear. Since we are drawing one side of the sparrow, we will only see one eye and one ear, as you see in our reference image.
Before moving to the next step, you must draw a part of the sparrow’s wing, as you see in our reference image.
Step 3 – Add Part Of Wings For Your Sparrow

Your task in this step of our guide on how to draw a sparrow is to add the details to the wings. As you see in our illustration, you must draw a part of the wings. You have done your task here if you’re happy with your mission.
Step 4 – Finish Wings For Your Sparrow

For this step of your sparrow drawing, you must add all detail for the wings.
You use curved and straight lines for this task, as seen in our reference picture.
Once you finish the task on the wings, you move to the sparrow’s tail. Please add some details to the tail before going to the fifth step.
Step 5 – Draw Sparrow’s Feet Perched On A Tree Branch

You must draw two legs and feet perched on a tree branch. You must use the lines from its body to show its legs and complete your task here with the sparrow’s feet with long clawed toes.
Under the feet, you must draw a tree branch with two parallel lines as our reference image.
Step 6 – Color Your Sparrow

That brings you to the final step of our guide on how to draw a sparrow. You can use any color you like for your bird.
Here, we color our sparrow drawing with light orange, the primary color, and some other colors, such as black for the eyes and white for some places of the sparrow’s fur.
Your Sparrow Drawing Is Complete!
You have finished all missions on how to draw a sparrow. You experienced a sparrow drawing activity with a wonderful time. How do you feel? Comfortable? I hope you enjoyed our tutorial and come back here to enjoy more drawing guides on our website Coloringcool.com. There are some similar guides similar to these drawing guides such as seagull drawing, parrot drawing, eagle drawing and etc. We update our educational products regularly on the catalog as blogs, coloring pages, or drawings. You can come here each day to enjoy them for free and practice your skill in drawing and coloring.
Once your sparrow product is complete, you can shear it on your Facebook or Pinterest for everyone to see. You can recommend this activity to your friends and relatives, especially your kids if you are a parent.