How To Draw A Husky – 7 Simple Steps To Create An Agile Husky Drawing
Creating A Nimble Husky Drawing In Seven Easy Steps
Today, you get an opportunity to learn to create a husky drawing with us. There are seven steps equivalent to seven missions that you must pass to finish your task. You will gain more knowledge about this useful dog as you learn to draw it. This is a fun task you can enjoy it after hard working hours. You will go to step by step in our guide to realize your task. Doing this task takes about 30 minutes; it is a fun job for you. It is not a simple task, but it is not too difficult; all you need to do is focus on doing it. Over time, as you gain experience with learning to draw, you’ll be able to finish your drawings sooner. It’s great, you will have a good time with us, why not, all activities on our website are free and suitable for everyone.
How To Draw A Husky – Let’s Get Started!

Huskies are working dogs which means they are bred to do good work for humans. In Siberia, they were first bred to guard and pull sleds. Nowadays, there are many people who want to raise a Husky as a pet, so that husky is known and loved by many people. Today you also have the opportunity to draw husky with us through this drawing lesson. All you will need is a pen, pencil, marker, or crayon and a sheet of paper before starting to draw. You will proceed to draw the husky with a pencil first; you will sketch through the husky with a pencil and A4 paper. You will have to erase and redraw if you draw wrong and keep drawing right until you complete your drawing. Finally, you will choose the right color for your husky drawing. Along with this drawing guide, you can enjoy husky coloring pages for free. You can use them to practice your drawing and coloring skill. I hope you also like our educational product and come to our website more often. Now, let’s go into seven steps for a mission on how to draw a husky!
Step 1 – Draw Head And Some Details For Husky’s Face

Beginning your task of the husky drawing is to draw an irregular circle shape with slightly pointed sides to structure the shape of the husky’s head. You continue to draw a snout with a tongue and a nose with two nostrils. Our reference picture will show you what it should look like, and once you’re happy with it we can move on to step 2!
Step 2 – Draw Eyes And Complete Ears For Husky

Similar to drawing eyes for dogs, you will draw two circles and a smaller circle inside it to make pupils for the eyes. Above your eyes, use two short lines for the husky’s eyebrows, the next two on the top of your head will complete two ears for the husky. So you have completed the task for step 2 and are ready for step 3 right now.
Step 3 – Draw The Neck And Front Legs

You continue your task on how to draw a husky with its neck. You will use zig-zag curved lines to draw a collar for the husky. Next you will use parallel lines to draw the husky’s legs next you will draw its paws with some cute toes; you can refer to our illustration to realize this mission. You are ready to go to the fourth step for your husky drawing.
Step 4 – Finish Body And Draw Hint Legs For Husky

It’s time to draw the body for your character, the husky. From the head, you draw a line for ít back, and you continue and the butt and hind legs for the husky. In this part, you can lengthen the curve to show your husky has a chubby body. Similar to the front legs, you will also draw the hind legs with parallel lines and the feet with some pretty little toes. You stop your mission in this step and move to the fifth step.
Step 5 – Draw Husky’s Tail

You can draw the husky’s tail exactly like the dog’s tail. You will use a long curved line to sketch and then draw more zig-zag along that curve to show the husky’s tail. Your task of the husky in this step is simple, and you can come to the next step in the sixth step.
Step 6 – Finish Off Your Drawing Mission

You must finish off all tasks for your husky drawing in this step. You can some decoration details to make your image nicer. If you like, you can observe our image and follow us. That way, you will be able to perform your task most easily. Once you are pleased with your image, you can go to the final step of coloring.
Step 7 – Color Your Husky

When you get a complete drawing, you will choose the suitable for your product. Very simple because you can make any color you like. We use grey for our husky drawing and white some place at the husky’s belly. More, we add pink for its tongue and black for its eyes. And what color do you use for your husky? Please show your result on Facebook or Pinterest for everyone to see.
Your Husky Drawing Is Complete!
So, you finish off your drawing and coloring mission on how to draw a husky. In building this husky drawing tutorial, we wish you could have a good time and that you might know how to draw a husky. And we also hope to achieve these two goals. With our tutorial, you need to focus, and you can make husky drawings easily with these seven easy steps. On our website, you can refer to some drawing guides similar to husky such as hyena drawing, dog pug drawing, dog drawing,….We update drawing guides, coloring pages, and blogs daily, and you can come here daily and enjoy them for free. I hope you find a comfortable time and recommend your friends to come here. Have fun with husky drawing!