How To Draw A Dog Pug – 8 Simple Steps To Create A Cute Dog Pug Drawing
Create a Nice Dog Pug Drawing In Eight Easy Steps
In our drawing tutorial today, you have a chance to learn how to make a dog pug drawing with us. There are eight steps equivalent to eight missions that you must pass. This is not an easy task, but it is not too difficult that you must concentrate on the course of drawing. Pugs are adorable with their large, round heads, shortened muzzles, and extensive forehead wrinkles. Today there are many families who keep a pug dog as a pet and also as a member of their family. Dog pug is like a close friend, so it is also well taken care of and loved by everyone, especially children. Each of us has a hobby outside of work. Finding a suitable entertainment channel is very important because outside of working time, you need time to relax to help your mind be more comfortable.
How To Draw A Dog Pug – Let’s Get Started!

You can see dog pugs in the family in the park; they come in different colors brown, yellow, black, and silver. Today you have a chance to draw a brown dog pug. You will follow a step-by-step sequence to complete it, but first, you need to prepare some tools such as A4 paper, pencil, pen, color, and eraser,…then you will proceed to draw the strokes. Basically, with a pencil, you will also proceed to erase the lines if you draw it wrong and highlight the correct lines. Finally, you will choose the suitable colors for your dog pug drawing. It’s amazing; with just eight simple instruction steps, you can complete a complete dog pug. We’ve arranged the tutorials from cricket to difficulty, so you’ll be able to do any task easily, whether you’re a beginner or an expert in drawing. Included with this dog pug drawing tutorial is a chance to enjoy dog pug coloring pages for free on our website that we update. You can use them to practice your drawing and coloring skill. And now, let’s go into eight steps to draw a dog pug with us and get more experience in this entertainment.
Step 1 – Draw Head And Ears For Dog Pug

To start working on how to draw a dog pug, you will begin with its head and ears for your pet. You use an oval to create a face outline and draw two ears above the top of the dog pug head. That’s all task here, and you can move to the second step to continue your work for dog pug drawing.
Step 2 – Draw Dog Pug’s Nose And Snout

In this second step of your dog pug, you will draw a nose and snout for it. In the face, you use some curved lines to show its nose and snout. Here you need a little technique to get the pencil exactly where you want it, so draw carefully. You quickly end it and then move on to the next.
Step 3 – Draw Dog Pug’s Eyes

The dog pug’s eyes are made up of two imperfect rectangles, and the two blackened circles are the pupils of the eyes. Your task in this step is also simple so finish it quickly before going to the fourth step.
Step 4 – Finish Off Dog Pug’s Face

You will complete every detail of the dog pug’s face. Below the nose, you will use a slight curve to show the tongue; then, you can add a few minor details to decorate its face. Your task in this step is just that, and can now move on to the next step to continue with the task.
Step 5 – Draw Two Front Legs And Body For Dog Pug

In this fifth step on how to draw a dog pug, you will draw two front legs and the body of a dog pug. You use curved lines to show its body, and then you must draw two front legs parallel. You also can use some other lines to decorate your pet.
Step 6 – Draw Two Hint Legs For Dog Pug

Just like dogs, a dog pug has four legs, you can clearly see the front two legs, but the hind legs will be partially hidden, so you have to draw the part that we can see. So your dog pug has all four legs, and you will add some final detail in the seventh step.
Step 7 – Draw Dog Pug’s Tail

You have drawn all the details for your dog pug drawing; the tail is the last part you need to draw now. It is composed of two short curves that are parallel and meet at a point. Now your pet has a cute tail, and you can move to the last step for coloring.
Step 8 – Color Your Dog Pug

You have reached the sixth and final step of this dog pug drawing; you choose the suitable for it. The very simple task here, you can use brown to color it, as I tell you above. Depending on how you mix colors, your dog pug can have different dark brown colors. You can also choose two different dark brown colors to create a more lively and beautiful dog.
Your Dog Pug Drawing Is Complete!
You finish off your drawing and coloring skills on how to draw a dog pug through eight steps with us. We have created this tutorial with many steps so you can easily do the drawing and coloring task. Completing the task of drawing and coloring for dog pug drawing will be the beginning of all the fun as you enjoy our education product. You can add one more detail to decorate your dog pug so that your drawing has its characteristics. On our website, you can find many drawing guides similar to dog pug drawing such as dog drawing, pluto drawing, you can come here and enjoy them for free. I hope you like this activity drawing guide and come back here with your friends.