How To Draw A Castle – 8 Simple Steps for Creating Nice Castle Drawing
Creating A lovely Castle in the eight easy steps
I will show you how to create a complete castle drawing, commonly called a fantasy castle, based on cartoons for children. You may have seen images of the castle in fairy tales, in movies about the myths of princesses and princes because castles are always reserved for kings in the palace. In this drawing guide, you get a chance to learn how to draw a castle with us. Not a simple task, but it is not too difficult. You will follow our instructions and get a fun time here. I hope with our drawing guide, you will complete the castle drawing task, and you will be more inspired by this art. This is both a lesson but also an entertainment channel to help you reduce stress in your life, making your life better. Included with the castle drawing tutorial will be Castle Coloring Pages giving you the opportunity to show your drawing and your coloring skill on our website.
How To Draw A Castle – Let’s Get Started!

Similar to drawing a house, the castle will be drawn with details of a spacious nature. It will be decorated with many beautiful monumental details. But before starting to draw a castle, you must prepare some necessary things such as a ruler, pencil, pen, paper, eraser, color material…You will proceed to draw the castle with the first simple details. Then there will be more complex details; once you have completed your drawing, you will choose the colors for your castle drawing.
Because drawing with a pencil, you will easily erase the wrong lines, so feel free to draw if you are wrong; you can erase and redraw until you feel satisfied. More, learning to draw will help you get a good mood and balance your life, and you will be more productive, and your life will be better. Now we will dive into nine steps on how to draw a castle.
Step 1 – Draw The Caste Door

To start realizing your task on how to draw a castle, you will create its door. You can use a ruler to help you draw the castle’s outline because this step requires a lot of straight-line details. Once you are happy with your image of the castle drawing in this step, you can move to the second step.
Step 2 – Draw Details For The Caste Door

You draw the details for the castle’s door in this step for your castle drawing. You continue to use a ruler to draw the straight lines for this mission. Not complex, and you need to concentrate and observe our reference image and follow it. That’s all there is to it for this step, so when you’re happy with the look of it we shall continue adding to this castle in the third step.
Step 3 – Add Details For The Caste

The castle will have many pillars, and your task is to draw these pillars for your drawing. You use the straight to draw some pillars as our reference image. Your mission in this step on how to draw a castle is to finish off all four pillars for your castle. Once you have these elements looking as they do in the illustration, you’re ready for step 4!
Step 4 – Add Details For The Caste’s Pillars

You must draw the details for the Caste’s pillars in this step. You will use some curved lines to show on the pillars. You’ll also add details to the castle, as you see in our reference image. It is simple for you in this step; you spend some minutes finishing it before moving to the fifth step.
Step 5 – Decorate The Top Of The Pillar

You use some decorations details for the top of the castle’s pillar in this step. Since this is a decorative part, you can completely use your favorite details to decorate the castle’s pillars more beautifully and realistic. You can finish the task in this step and go to the sixth step for your castle drawing right now.
Step 6 – Finish Off The Top Of The Pillar

You will add a large pillar in the center of the castle. You then add each pillar as a triangle to form its vertex. Simple, isn’t it? You can look at our drawing and follow it; hopefully, my explanation will make it easy for you to understand and know how to make a castle drawing. Once you finish off the task here, you can next to the seventh step.
Step 7 – Draw Some Flags For Castle

Your task in this step is to draw some flags for the castle. At each vertex of the flagpole, you will draw a flag on it, and you will create three flags for the three vertices of the castle. Then you choose some details for the decoration of the castle as you see in our reference image.
Step 8 – Color Your Castle Drawing

The task in this step is straightforward for you. You will choose the suitable colors for your castle drawing. In this section, you can completely choose the colors for your drawing because there is no mandatory rule for choosing colors. Then you can add some details to decorate the castle, and you can color these details too.
Your Castle Drawing Is Complete
Right now is the time to admire your work. Process the drawing and determine if there are any more changes you’d like to make or details you’d like to add. The drawing is now finished if everything looks the way you’d like it to look. You create a complete castle drawing. It’s a tough road if you’re a beginner, but you’ve done a great job. How do you feel about learning to draw a castle? If you are a parent, you can give this lesson to your children, and they will surely like it. I hope you have understood everything now and you come back here when you are free. On our website, you can refer to many drawing guides related to castle such as House Drawing, you can use our drawing instructions to enrich your skill.