6 Simple Steps for Creating Cute Blue Jay Drawing – How To Draw A Blue Jay
Creating A lovely Blue Jay in the six easy steps
You will learn to make a Blue Jay drawing with us. This is a magnificent bird that takes the awe out of you. We will give the drawing instructions details. You will go to step by step; there are six steps equivalent to six missions that you must come over.
In this our drawing guide, you will have a chance to learn how to draw the blue jay and moreover you get more knowledge about this bird this will enrich your understanding. As you know, Blue jays are backyard birds that are common across North America. They eat nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects. The blue jay’s scientific name means “crested blue chatterer.” We give clear instructions to help you create the blue jay drawing easily.
How To Draw A Blue Jay – Let’s Get Started!

Blue Jays usually live in South America but you can also find them in Europe or Asia. Blue Jay is quite aggressive with other birds, they often chase other birds in search of food. This is a bird with colorful and beautiful feathers, so they always appear in works of art. And today you’ll also get a chance to show off your artwork with Blue Jay. We will guide you to draw Blue Jay. Along with the tutorial, we have also included a couple of free Blue Jay coloring pages that you can print off and give to your kids to color!
It would help if you prepared a pencil, eraser, colors, pencils, and drawing paper,…before starting to draw. Then you will proceed to draw a Blue jay with easy details first, then more complex details and finally, you will choose colors to color for Blue Jay. You will easily erase the wrong lines because you are using a pencil to draw so you can draw comfortably without fear of mistakes. Now let’s dive into the details of the six steps on how to draw a Blue Jay.
Step 1 – Draw Head And A Part Of Body For Blue Jay

Begin to realize your task of Blue Jay drawing, and you will draw the head and a part of the body for Blue Jay. You will see the bird’s beak, its eyes, and a tuft of feathers on its head. Start by drawing the beak of the bird. The beak is shaped like a slanted triangle, but it is in fact a hidden pyramid. The bottom of the beak needs to be shaded. Then you use 2 almost parallel curves to draw Blue Jay’s body. So, you finish off the head and a part of the body for your Blue Jay drawing.
Step 2 – Draw Blue Jay Leg

Draw the first leg, draw a small tube shape and add a few toes with sharp claws at the ends. Since the other leg will be covered by the body, you only need to draw this leg and you have finished drawing Blue Jay’s legs. And now, you can move to the third step to continue your drawing.
Step 3 – Start To Draw Wings And Tail For Blue Jay

You continue your work of the c with the wings and tail for your bird. You use curved lines to realize your task in this step. If you think it difficult, you can observe our image and follow it. You finish the task here before going to the next step right now.
Step 4 – Decorate For Your Blue Jay Drawing

You will use some decoration details in this step and make your blue jay nicer. Decorate Blue jay’s feathers more beautiful with decorative details in this section you can fully use your creativity, and make your bird more vivid and real with many unique details.
Step 5 – Finish Off Your Blue Jay Drawing Mission

You must add some final detail in this step for your Blue jay drawing. You will draw a tree branch for a blue jay to sit on, as you see in our illustration. You can adjust the length and length of the tree so that it matches the size of a blue jay. Before moving to the last step for coloring your blue jay drawing, you will add all details for your drawing.
Step 6 – Color Your Blue Jay

You will choose the suitable colors for your blue jay drawing. You can take any color you like for this image but normally, Blue Jay is blue as its name. So, you can take blue and white for some places on Blue Jay. You finish off the drawing and coloring task of your bird.
Your Blue Jay Drawing Is Complete
Through six simple steps, you create a complete Blue Jay. It is an exciting mission and suitable for everyone. If you are a parent, you can participate in this activity with your kids; they will surely like it. Drawing and coloring will help your child develop many skills such as concentration, color recognition, creativity, and thinking,…More your kids can avoid using sơm technical devices such as television, smartphones, tablets,…they are not suitable for their eyes and evolution. It is free on our website Coloringcool.com, Blue Jay drawing, you can find other drawing guides such as Phoenix drawing, Beetle Drawing,…So, You know how to draw a Blue Jay with our simple guide and I hope you like this tutorial. You can come here every day and enjoy them. Have a great time!