6 Easy Steps Creating A Snail Drawing
Creating a cute snail drawing in just 6 easy steps
Simply follow this easy how to draw a snail step by step tutorial, and you will have your snail drawing finished in no time. You will follow our instructions and our illustration to create a snail. You can get some interesting facts about this creature by drawing a snail. Make sure you also check out hundreds of drawing tutorials grouped by category. You are just a few markers or pencil strokes away from learning how to draw a snail. Grab our printable instructions and draw on the go, from the shell to the antennae. You will go to step by step until you finish all six steps to make a snail for you. This is a good activity for everyone, from children to adults. You can enjoy it in your free time to relax to work better. Whether you are a beginner or you are an expert in drawing, you can finish this task easily. Along with the tutorial, we have also included a couple of free snail coloring pages that you can print off and give to your kids to color!
How To Draw A Snail – Let’s Get Started!

A snail is, in loose terms, a shelled gastropod. Snails have considerable human relevance, including as food items, as pests, and as vectors of disease, and their shells are used as decorative objects and are incorporated into jewelry. This is a well-known creature, but not everyone can draw it, so in this article, we give specific instructions to let you draw your Snail. You will follow six steps and create a complete snail. If you are a parent, please don’t hesitate to give this instruction to teach your kids to draw a snail; they can avoid using technical devices such as smartphones, television, and tablet. They are not good for their eyes and their evolution. Our website can be considered a free entertainment channel for all audiences; you can enjoy coloring pages and drawing. All are free, and you can come here anywhere, anytime with your devices connected to the internet. Now, let’s get started drawing a snail with us!
Step 1 – Draw Snail’s Carcass

You will draw a circle to make Snail’s body. You can use a pencil to draw a circle or a compass to help. Very simple in this step, you can finish the task in some second and move to step 2.
Step 2 – Draw Snail’s Body

You will draw the body of Snail. You trace a long, tube-like shape. You can make a round shape at one end for the head and make the other end pointy for the tail. Also, trace more waves at the bottom of your Snail than at the top. Once you have these elements looking as they do in the reference image, you’re ready for step 3!
Step 3 – Draw An Ear For Snail

Draw the first ear by tracing a long straight line coming out of the top of the head and add a small circle at the end. It is simple in this step, it takes some seconds to finish your task here and continue your drawing in the fourth step.
Step 4 – Draw The Rest Of the Ears For Snail

Same as step 3, you draw the second ear by tracing the two lines the same way you did the first one, with a small circle at the end. You can add a small curved line to make a face smile for Snail. This step is also very simple for you, so it does not take you too long to complete. You quickly skip to the next step to continue drawing a snail.
Step 5 – Finish Your Drawing Task

You must finish your task in this step, and you will draw eyes for the Snail. You will use two dots and black to color them and make two eyes. You also make the spiral in the snail shell. Start where you ended the outside loop and work your way to the circle’s center. Last, draw short, straight lines all around the carcass. There’s your Snail. You finish your snail drawing here and have more, the last step for coloring.
Step 6 – Color Snail

Snails are mollusks, which are animals with a hard shell. They live on land and water. They are known for having slimy bodies. This slime protects them from sharp objects as they move along. Its color depends on the habitat. So, you can choose the color you like for your product, Snail, or you can choose colors that are similar to our colors. We choose light pink for the body and black with white for the eyes. So, you finish your drawing and coloring mission to create a complete snail. You can move to snail coloring pages and enjoy images related to snails here. I hope you can get a great time and come back here to enjoy our products. If you like our services, don’t forget to give us a thumb up and recommend them to your friends. Have fun!