8 Easy Steps To Create A Raptor Drawing – How To Draw A Raptor
Create a Raptor Drawing In Eight Steps
Have you ever thought of making a raptor drawing among the many crocodiles?
Today, you have the opportunity to create a Raptor Drawing with a great time.
The Jurassic Park movie tells us many Dinosaur characters, and the raptor is a famous Dinosaur character.
With our easy eight-step tutorial, you’ll be able to draw a complete Raptor in about 30 minutes, but if you’re gifted with drawing, you can finish it sooner.
You also prepare complete supplies such as a pen, pencil, colors, paper, and eraser. Then, you will draw a raptor with pencil and paper and erase your mistakes easily.
Once you get your drawing, you can choose the suitable colors for your product.
Learning to draw is also a way to have fun and balance your life; you can enjoy this activity in your free time after hard working hours.
You will go to step by step with our instructions to create a raptor drawing.
In addition to learning raptor drawing, you can enjoy raptor coloring pages for free to practice your drawing coloring pages. Regular practice of drawing and coloring will improve your painting ability.
Let’s go to the eight steps of our guide on how to draw a raptor!
How To Draw A Raptor – Let’s Get Started

Step 1 – Draw Raptor’s Head

You start drawing the raptor with the middle of the paper and its head outline.
Use the curved lines to realize your task; you can look at our reference image and follow it.
Step 2 – Draw Raptor’s Neck

It’s time to draw a neck for your creature, the raptor. You use two roughly parallel curves to draw it from the head.
You use two other curves to draw the raptor’s back and chest, as seen in our reference image.
Once you’re happy with your drawing, you can go to the third step.
Step 3 – Draw The Arms Outline For The Raptor

For this step of our guide on how to draw a raptor, use tangent curves to form two arms for your creature. Don’t forget to draw an elbow for it, as you see in our reference.
So you have completed the task in this step and move on to the following steps to draw a hand for it.
Step 4 – Draw The Legs Outline For The Raptor

If in step 3, you drew the arms outline for the raptor, in this step of our guide, you must draw its first leg outline.
From the back, you will draw thighs and shins for your Dinosaur.
That’s all you need to do in this step; you will move on to drawing hands for your raptor drawing.
Step 5 – Draw The Raptop’s Hands And Tail

You use curves and straight lines to draw your hand for your raptor. You draw three fingers for each hand, don’t forget to draw long claws.
Its tail is extensive and lengthy, pointed at the end; you use two curved lines meeting at the point to make the raptor’s tail, as you see in our reference image.
You complete your mission and are ready to go to the sixth step.
Step 6 – Draw A Paw For The Dinosaur

In this step, your task is to draw the paw of your Dinosaur. Use three toes for its foot; of course, you will also draw claws on each toe of your raptor drawing.
Finally, you can add some detail to its pedicure with a few small lines; then, you can take on step 7.
Step 7 – Finish Off Your Drawing Mission

There are a lot of details to work with here; first, you have to add legs to your raptor drawing; then, you will draw eyes, nose, mouth, and teeth for Dinosaur.
Finally, as seen in our reference picture, you will draw its paws with sharp claws.
Before moving to the last step for coloring, our guide on how to draw a raptor, you will add more details for decoration.
Step 8 – Color Your Raptor

That brings you to the final step of coloring. You can completely follow your preferences in this step. We used light and dark brown to color the Dinosaur. Also easy for you because you can choose the same color as our raptor drawing or use any color for your Dinosaur, and you feel satisfied with your image.
Your Raptor Drawing Is Complete!
You complete all your drawing and coloring skills of our guide on how to draw a raptor in about 30 minutes. With our simple drawing tutorial, I hope you don’t have any difficulty learning to draw and are satisfied with the final step.
Drawing and coloring are good activities and suitable for all ages. You can join in drawing and coloring with your kids as a parent. They will surely like it. More, participating in recreational activities together helps to bond family members emotionally. You can enjoy those activities in your free time after the hard-working hours.
On our website Coloringcool.com, you can find more the drawing guides such as velociraptor drawing, cobra drawing or cassowary drawing. These are similar to raptor drawing guides; you can refer to them to draw better dinosaurs. I also hope you like this drawing guide and our educational products. We update them daily, and you can come here each day to enjoy and get a great time!