7 Simple Steps To Create A Clown Face Drawing – How to Draw A Clown Face
Perform 7 Easy Steps To Get A Cute Clown Face Drawing
Would you like to meet a clown? This is your chance to create a clown face drawing.
Today we have created a clown face drawing tutorial for everyone, and if you are a clown fan, you shouldn’t miss this drawing guide.
Awesome, we have seven essential steps to draw a clown face which equates to 7 tasks you need to complete to get through this challenge.
Your clown drawing task is not simple but not too difficult; you need to focus on the process of learning to draw. Moreover, we also arrange this tutorial from easy to difficult, making it easy for you to complete this task whether you are a beginner or learning to draw or a drawing expert.
This tutorial takes about 25 minutes to complete; however, if you are gifted, you can finish a clown face sooner.
First, you must prepare complete supplies such as a pen, pencil, colors, eraser, and paper. Then you will proceed to draw a clown face with pencil and paper. You will quickly erase the wrong lines and redraw them until satisfied.
Once you finish your drawing task, you will choose the suitable colors for your image.
Besides learning to draw clown faces, you also enjoy clown coloring pages for free on our website to practice your drawing and coloring skill to improve your drawing and coloring ability.
You also get more information about clowns when you learn to draw clown faces.
Right now, let’s go to six steps on how to draw a clown face with us!
How To Draw A Clown Face – Let’s Get Started!

Step 1 – Draw Clown Face Details

You start drawing the clown face in the center of the paper, and for this first step, you will draw the eyes, nose, mouth, and chin for the clown.
It’s also simple because you only need to draw three incomplete circles for these details: two circles for the eyes and one below for the nose and mouth. Don’t forget to use two short curves to form the clown’s eyebrows.
Before moving on to the second step, use a curve below to show his chin.
Step 2 – Draw The Details For Clown’s Head

Your task in this second step of our guide on how to draw a clown face is to draw a circle at the clown’s head. Our friend will draw this clown hat in the next step.
Simply like that, you have finished the task in this step and are ready for step 3.
Step 3 – Complete Clown’s Hat

In this step, you must draw a hat for your clown face drawing.
The hat is an indispensable item for every clown during the performance, so you must draw a funny hat here.
Use a curved line to create a big circle on his head to make a hat.
Once you’re happy with your image, you can move to the fourth step.
Step 4 – Draw A Side Of The Clown’s Hair

Clowns always have two cute ponytails on either side, so in this step, you will draw one of them.
Use curved and straight lines for this task, and you can continue your drawing mission in the fifth step.
Step 5 – Add A Side Of The Clown’s Hairs

Similar to your task of step 4, you add more of a side of the clown hairs. You also use straight lines and curved lines to draw to finish off your mission in this step.
Once satisfied with your image, you can move to the sixth step.
Step 6 – Finish Off your Drawing mission

This is the step where you have to complete all the remaining details of your clown face drawing before moving to the last step for coloring.
Below the clown’s head, you will draw a big bow to show his cuteness. You can draw some little circles in this bow and move to the seventh step.
Step 7 – Color Your Clown Face

We are at the last step of our guide on how to draw a clown face. You will color for your product now. This is the part you can thoroughly decide; choose the color according to your preference. Very simple, select all colors to make your clown face more beautiful.
We chose pink for the nose and bow, blue for the hat, blonde for the hair, and black for the eyes for our clow face drawing, as you see in our reference.
Your Clown Face Drawing Is Complete!
You finish off all drawing and coloring missions of our guide on how to draw a clown face drawing through seven simple steps.
It’s great that you got the result, and makes you happy. On our website Coloringcool.com, you will have a chance to enjoy our products with a drawing guide, coloring pages, or blogs. So, visit our site regularly; we upload them daily to serve you.
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You also can find the drawing guide similar to clown face such as kirby drawing or starfish drawing. These are cute face tutorials, I hope you enjoy this tutorial and our education on our site, and you will recommend us to your friends and your kids. Come here. They can enjoy those products after the hard-working hours at school. More, they can avoid using technical devices such as television, tablets, or smartphones. I hope you get a fun time with us!