How To Draw An Easter Egg – The Details Instructions

You know that Easter is one of the most widely celebrated holidays globally. This holiday is also associated with colorful egg hunts delivered by the Easter Bunny, and the image of these eggs in baskets has become closely associated with the holiday. That’s why Easter eggs appear on this holiday.

Today, we will instruct drawing a cute Easter egg. We will guide you through drawing an Easter egg in six steps, and it’s super simple you just need to follow and get funny eggs.

How To Draw An Easter Egg – Let’s Get Started!

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Just like drawing other objects, you need to prepare some things such as paper, pencil, colors,…you can learn to draw with your friends or your children, this activity is suitable for the entertainment channel. After the hard-working hours you participate in the coloring, you feel better. It would be best to balance work and leisure so your life will be better.

Step 1 – Draw An Oval

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This is the shape of the Easter Egg. In this step, you use a pencil and draw straightforwardly. Whether you’re a long-time or a newbie, you can do it easily in this step.

Step 2 – Easter Egg’s Ears

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As you observe our image, the Easter egg has cute ears. You will follow our vision and finish your task. Not too tricky here. Please be patient with your pencil and draw if you make a mistake, you can redo it.

Step 3 – Easter Egg’s Bow.

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This bow will be drawn in the center of the egg; please do it like our drawing. Please remember that this bow will make Easter Egg more excellent. You will try to draw bows more admirable with your drawing skill.

Step 4 – Draw Decorations For Top Of Easter Egg

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Now, you will start to draw decorations for the top of the Easter egg. This step will have some problematic details requiring you to put the brush skillfully. So be patient and follow our drawings. You will get the desired work.

Step 5 – Finish Your Drawing

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Now, you will finish your drawing mission here. You must add some detail to the decorations of the Easter Egg. In step 4, you will use your drawing skill to realize the mission in this step. This step of our guide on drawing Easter will be focused on the decoration for the eggs. We added all sorts of pattern details, from zigzags to stripes and dots. These are just a suggestion, and while you could go for similar patterns or use some decorations of your own. You can decorate these pretty eggs as you like because there are no rules for decorating eggs.

Step 6 – Color Easter Egg.

Now, you must choose suitable colors for Easter Egg. In this step, you can choose any colors for your products. We choose the mix colors such as green, blue, red, purple, yellow,…You can observe our image and choose by following our colors or choosing your own colors. you can do anything to make your work more beautiful.
You can go to Easter Egg Coloring Pages on our site to practice drawing and coloring because we have many Easter Egg Coloring Pages for you.