Nice Shirt Drawing Is Created In 9 Easy Steps
Creating a complete shirt drawing in just 9 easy steps
Have you ever wanted to draw a shirt? Today, you get a chance to create a shirt drawing with a basic design in nine steps. We give detailed instructions, and you realize your task step by step until you finish your work with us. Whether you are a novice or an expert in drawing, we’re sure you can follow these steps effortlessly. With our nine simple guides, you can finish them easily. There are nine steps equivalent to nine missions on how to draw a shirt you must finish. This is an interesting task and suitable for everyone, from children to adults. You can enjoy it after the hard-working hours, you will be more productive if you’re comfortable so take the time to relax accordingly. Our guide won’t take too much of your time, only about 30 minutes, just enough for you to feel most comfortable with this activity. Along with our tutorial on how to draw a shirt, you can know shirt coloring pages on our site to practice your drawing and coloring skill.
How To Draw A Shirt – Let’s Get Started!

In our wardrobe, there are at least a few t-shirts that prove it is very familiar and you can easily imagine everything about it such as shape, material, style, etc. But drawing a shirt is not a simple task, and today you will know how to draw a shirt with us. You must concentrate on the course of the drawing. Like drawing anything on our site, It would help if you prepared a pencil, eraser, colored pencils, and drawing paper before starting to draw. Then you use a pencil to draw on paper and erase your mistakes until you finish your shirt drawing. Finally, you must choose the suitable colors for your product., a complete shirt. Because the shirt is very familiar to us, it is not too difficult to draw, even if you are a beginner. Keep calm and follow us to realize all tasks until your work is finished. You will find that drawing a shirt is not too difficult for you, on the contrary, and you will feel comfortable with the work of learning to draw. and now let’s go to the details of each step on how to draw a shirt.
Step 1 – Draw Shirt Collar Outline

To start drawing this guide on how to draw a shirt, you draw a shirt collar outline. It is very simple for you, but this is the first step; you can use a pencil to draw the light line, and then you create bolder pencil strokes for your shirt drawing. Now, you finish the task in this step on how to draw a shirt collar and come to step 2 to continue your drawing.
Step 2 – Start Drawing Shape For The Shirt

It is also simple for you in this step on how to draw a shirt; use the straight lines to create the shape for the shirt. These will help to form the structure of your nice shirt in the next few steps.
Step 3 – Draw A Sleeve For The Shirt

In this third step on how to draw a shirt, you will draw the first sleeve of the shirt. From drawing in step 2, you use three straight lines to create a sleeve. Awesome, now your shirt has an extra sleeve; we are drawing a short sleeve shirt so let’s also draw a short sleeve for your shirt. Once you finish the task here, move to the fourth step.
Step 4 – Complete The Shirt Collar

You continue to realize your shirt drawing, and you will focus on the collar of your shirt. This will be a simple, curved line near the top of the shirt. Your shirt will have full sleeves and a collar on your shirt drawing. If you are pleased with your drawing, you will move to step 5.
Step 5 – Add More Details For Shirt Shape

Similar to step 2 on how to draw a shirt, you use a straight line to draw a part of the shirt shape. Now you totally get a new shirt with some new details. It is not complex; you just spend some minutes on your task in this step. Our advice to you at this step in general and during the task for your shirt drawing if you can’t draw straight lines, then use the ruler. You complete this task and continue your work in the sixth step.
Step 6 – Finish Shirt Shape

Your shirt can’t look good without the bottom, so use 2 parallel curves and connect the two sides of the shirt together to form the bottom of your shirt. These details we suggest are quite simple; you can realize them easily, as you see in our reference image. Before moving to the next step, you can edit your drawing by erasing some mistakes and redoing them.
Step 7 – Draw The Remaining Sleeve

If the previous sleeve was drawn on the left, you would now repeat that task to the right. You also use three straight lines to create a short sleeve for the shirt. It is simple, and you draw the shirt sleeves easily in this step. Overall you get a shirt now, and you continue to draw the final details for your shirt in the next step.
Step 8 – Draw Shirt Pocket

Usually, there will be 1 to 2 chest pockets for each shirt. In this step, for a guide on how to draw a shirt, you add a pocket on the right. You use a straight line for the mouth of the pocket 2 straight lines on both sides for the body of the pocket, and 2 diagonal lines that meet below to form the bottom of the pocket. You’ve drawn the final details, added your own, and finished your shirt. However, before you’re completely done, there is still one thing left in this guide on how to draw a shirt, and that’s to color it in! We will choose colors for your shirt drawing in the ninth step.
Step 9 – Color Your Shirt

This is the simplest step for your guide on how to draw a shirt. You use suitable colors for your shirt. Because the shirts can come in every design and color scheme imaginable so, you can take any color you like. We use green for the shirt shape and red for the collar, bottom, and pocket in our reference images. So, you finish the task of creating a complete shirt drawing with us right now.
Your Shirt Drawing Is Complete!
You can realize your perfect shirt drawing with your fun time with our nine steps. That concludes our step-by-step guide on how to draw a shirt! This is not a simple task, but it is not too difficult. At first, you may not be familiar, but with specific instructions, you will perform the task step by step in the easiest way. The important thing is that you have to be patient and focused on drawing. You can also create more details to create a shirt with your own imprint. With our simple instructions, I hope you can get a nice shirt drawing, and that you like this activity. If you like, you can find anything to draw on how to draw of our website. On our site, you can move to shirt coloring pages to enjoy and practice some of your skills in drawing or coloring. I hope you are pleased with our drawing guide.