Cuttlefish Drawing Is Made In 9 Easy Steps
Creating a complete cuttlefish drawing in just 9 easy steps
You will learn how to draw a cuttlefish or Cuttlefish drawing with us. Do you know about Cuttlefish? In this article, you get an opportunity to get more information about Cuttlefish. The Cuttlefish is very intelligent, maybe even like whales. They are relatively slow, but they have a defense. They release a dye in water and, in muddy water, run away from the pursuers. It was enough for me to love Cuttlefish. In addition, the dishes made from Cuttlefish are very delicious. And you can find Cuttlefish easily at the market. Here, we will give the instruction details for Cuttlefish, and you will follow us and our illustration because the internal structure of the Cuttlefish is almost impossible to guess. So you outline the contour. Along with the tutorial, we have also included a couple of free cuttlefish coloring pages that you can print off and give to your kids to color.
How To Draw A Cuttlefish – Let’s Get Started

In this quick tutorial, you’ll learn how to draw a Cuttlefish in nine easy steps – great for kids and novice artists. If you are a parent, you can learn to draw a cuttlefish with your kids. And in each step, we illustrate, the images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved. Below are the individual steps you will go to step by step in this article and create a complete cuttlefish. Once you finish your drawing mission, you can choose suitable colors and make coloring for your products. Drawing and coloring are good activities and help you to reduce stress and worries and make your life better. Why not? Come here with us; you can enjoy all tutorials and coloring pages…for free. We update them daily, and you can come here anywhere and anytime. Now, let’s get started by drawing a cuttlefish with us.
Step 1 – Draw Cuttlefish’s Eye

Step 1
Now, you will draw a circle, and within it, you draw a dot then you will use black to color the dot and make a pupil for the eye. Because we draw one side of the Cuttlefish, you only need to draw 1 eye to complete the task of creating eyes for the Cuttlefish. Now, you move to step 2 and continue drawing a cuttlefish.
Step 2 – Start Drawing Cuttlefish’s Tentacles

Step 2
You know that Cuttlefish has about ten tentacles. Usually, they are not spread but closed. And now add the fin in the form of ruffles around the perimeter of the shell. Now, you draw a line downward to start drawing Cuttlefish’s tentacles. You can finish your task here and go to step 3.
Step 3 – Add More Line For Cuttlefish’s Tentacles

Step 3
Now, you add more of a line downward for the tentacles of Cuttlefish. It is simple for this step, and you can finish in seconds and continue drawing in the fourth step.
Step 4 – Draw More Line For Cuttlefish’s Tentacles

Step 4
Your task in this step is a similar task in step 3. You use the curved lines downward. You can realize them easily. That’s all there is to it for this step, so when you’re happy with the look of it we shall continue adding to this cuttle in the fifth step.
Step 5 – Finish Three Tentacles For Cuttlefish

You will use the short curved to finish three tentacles of Cuttlefish. You now have a cuttlefish head with 3 tentacles. Now, you continue drawing Cuttlefish in the sixth step.
Step 6 – Finish All Tentacles For Cuttlefish

You will use the curved lines to make the tentacles for Cuttlefish in this step. You must finish all details for part of the Cuttlefish. it’s not too difficult, right you just need to focus and complete it as quickly as possible to move on to step 7.
Step 7 – Draw Cuttlefish’s Body

Now draw the body. It will be one long loop that starts with a flat line that is drawn to the left from above the head. Near the end, you will draw a slightly curved line and end at the tail of the Cuttlefish, and a curved line should bend down and to the right to finish. You can finish the task of this step here and move to step 8 now
Step 8 – Finish Your Drawing Task

Right now, you must finish all your drawing mission. You draw the ‘skirt’ around the body of your Cuttlefish. You will use the wobbly line around Cuttlefish’s body. Then you continue to draw another line between the skirt and the lower tentacles, and you’re done! You’ve drawn a Cuttlefish, and you have more than the last coloring step.
Step 9 – Color Cuttlefish

This is the easiest step for you. You just choose the colors to make coloring for Cuttlefish. Cuttlefish have green blood and three hearts. They have the ability to change their color and pattern to attract a mate and camouflage with their surroundings. And you can take your favorite colors to color cuttlefish. Here, we take brown for Cuttlefish because this is processed Cuttlefish and black for the eye. So, you get a complete cuttlefish with our instructions. If your kids love Cuttlefish, please don’t hesitate to give this tutorial to them. they can learn some skills with drawing and coloring activities as pen skills, painting skills, and patience. You can move to cuttlefish coloring pages to color images related to Cuttlefish. If you like our instructions, please share our article with your friends and come back here with us. Have fun!