9 Steps To Get A Cute Cat Drawing
Creating a cute cat drawing in just 9 easy steps
Right now, you learn how to draw a bat with our super easy-to-follow step-by-step cute cat drawing tutorial. We give nine instruction steps for you, and you will follow us and our illustration because we provide the image in each step. You will be calm and patient to realize tasks and create a cute cat. This tutorial only takes about 25 to 30 minutes and illustrates in the lesson you can easily print or download to finish your mission efficiently. Along with the tutorial, we have also included a couple of free cute cat coloring pages that you can print off and give to your kids to color! This is an exciting task, and when you do it, you will temporarily forget the fatigue of life. You can enjoy it with your kids and help them to avoid using technical devices such as television. Smartphone, and tablet.
How To Draw A Cute Cat – Let’s Get Started!

When it comes to pets, some of us rest squarely in the camp of cats. They are very cute, and everyone loves them, especially babies and girls. As a parent, you can learn to draw a cute cat with your kids. You get a great time here. It is a tutorial on how to draw an attractive and easy cat; grab the free. Whether you are begging or an expert in drawing, you can finish your task quickly. Learning how to draw from our image is especially effective for beginner artists because it will give you hands-on practice that will help you improve your drawing skills! You must prepare a pencil, paper, and color before drawing, and then you will use a pencil to draw on paper, and you can easily erase them if you make a mistake. This mission is not difficult and asks for your patience and ingenuity, and you will go step by step in our instruction and finish the task. You can forget stress and worries from life. Now, let’s get started drawing a cute cat with us!
Step 1 – Draw Cat’s Head Outline

You draw a circle to make the cat’s head. Very simple in this step; you can use a compass to help you realize your task easily. Once you get a circle, you move to step 2.
Step 2 – Add More a Circle

Under Cat’s Head, you add more of a circle. This step is very simple as well, you can observe our image and follow it. You spend some seconds finishing this task and go to step 3.
Step 3 – Draw Eyes And Necklace For Cat

For the cat’s face, we draw two dots for the eyes, and then you use black to color the eyes. You left some white spaces like our image. Then you will use the curved lines to draw a necklace for the cat. You will practice drawing cute cat faces in your sketchbook or using the free printable worksheet until comfortable with it. Once you have these elements looking as they do in the reference image, you’re ready for step 4!
Step 4 – Draw Nose And Mouth For Cat

It would be best if you drew a nose and mouth for the cat. You draw a triangle for the nose and then two lines and a little circle for the mouth. Here is not simple, and you need a little ingenuity.
Step 5 – Draw Cat’s Eyebrows

Your task in this step is very simple; from the eyes, you add two lines on each side for the eyebrows. You can stop here and continue in the sixth step for cat drawing.
Step 6 – Draw Cat’s whiskers

Now, you must draw whiskers, and you must draw three lines on each of the sides for the whisker. Your work on this part is simple, so you can finish it in seconds. And now, you will go to step 7 for your cat.
Step 7 – Draw The Front Legs

We are drawing a sitting cat, so you won’t see the hind legs but only the front legs. You use four straight lines to make the front legs for the cat. Very simple, and you can finish the task here easily and go to the eighth step to complete your drawing mission.
Step 8 – Finish Your Drawing Mission

You finish your drawing mission by adding a tail for the cat. You will make a bit curvy, and you will get the shape of a cattail. That’s all there is to it for this step, so when you’re happy with the look of it, we shall continue adding to this cat in the last step.
Step 9- Color Cute Cat

Now, this simplest work for you. You will choose the suitable colors and make coloring for the cat. You can choose any color you like to make coloring for your product, a cat. Here, you make your cat nicer with your favorite colors. Because there are no rules in choosing of drawing cat, you can choose colors that are similar to our colors. We take pink for ears, yellow for a necklace, black for eyes, grey for some decorations, and white cat body and tail. Now, you finish your drawing and coloring mission for a cute cat. You can move to cute cat coloring pages as well to get some images related to cute cats. I hope you have a great time here and come back to enjoy our products more.