9 Easy Steps To Get A Tank Drawing
Complete grave tank drawing in just 9 easy steps
Right now, you get an opportunity to learn how to draw a tank or tank drawing with us. We will give the instructions and illustrate you will follow and create a complete tank. We give a nine-step equivalent to nine missions you must finish. You will go to step by step through our instructions. The tank is a heavily armored military combat vehicle that crawls along tracks. The tank has the effect of protecting the soldier inside with the armor. Tanks always have chain-like tracks that allow them to move on difficult terrain. Front of the tank, there are often heavily armed with very large guns. The tank appeared in ancient times, and it played an important role in wars. Drawing the tank will help you to get more information about this combat vehicle. You will follow our instructions to draw a tank, if you are a parent, you also can teach your boys to draw this tank. Along with the tutorial, we have also included a couple of free tank coloring pages that you can print off and give to your kids to color!
How To Draw A Tank – Let’s Get Started!

Drawing a tank is not a simple task, but it is not too difficult. You must concentrate here and use your patience skill. This easy, step-by-step cartoon object drawing tutorial is here to show you how. It would help if you prepared a pen, a pencil, or marker, paper, and colors. It’s better to use a pencil to draw because you can easily erase it if you make a mistake. What you need to do is you need to be patient and follow our instructions to get a complete tank. If your kids draw a tank with you, it is very interesting because they will get more skills such as holding a pen, patience, and painting. Moreover, learning to draw will make your mind relax. Mentally comfortable, you will work better. On our site, all activities drawing or coloring are free, and you can come here anywhere, anytime with your device connecting to the internet. Materials to participate in drawing lessons are also cheap and easy to find. You can profit anything ready in your home. Now, let’s get started drawing a tank with us!
Step 1 – Draw the Turret On Top Of The Tank Outline

You will start to draw a tank with the turret on top of the tank outline in this first step of the tank drawing. You must use a curved line to draw an irregular shape. This outlines the turret on top of the tank. This is a simple task here, and you can look at our image and follow it.
Step 2 – Add Detail The Turret
You have to draw more lines to create a rectangle in the first step’s rectangle. You continue to draw a vertical curved line to form the radio antenna. It’s easy isn’t it easy, to get the sketch for the tank top? Once you have these elements looking as they do in the reference image, you’re ready for step 3!
Step 3 – Draw A circle To Make A Part For The Tank Track

In this step 3, you just draw a small circle to make a part of the tank track. This task is so simple it may only take you a few seconds to complete it. Now, you continue your drawing in the fourth step.
Step 4 – Add More Small Circles For The Tank Track

You will draw more circles that resemble the circles you drew in step 3. So basically, your tank already has rails with some circles. That’s all there is to it for this step, so when you’re happy with the look of it we shall continue adding to this tank in the fifth step.
Step 5 – Add More Details For The Tank Track

You will continue to add more details for the tank track. You will use curves to shade the chain part of the track. Then you use a little black to color it as well. Once you finish the task here, you can move to step 6.
Step 6 – Finish Details For The Tank Track
Now, you use black color to color for the tank track. must finish all detail for it here. Your mission in this step also is simple. You can look at our image and follow it.
Step 7 – Add More Details For Tank

You will continue to use the lines and curved lines to add more details for the tank, then use black and shade the rear part of the tank. Above the track, you will use the vertical brick lines corresponding to each wheel to decorate the tank. Similarly, on them, you also add short lines to create a tank with small segments that will look better. Now, you can finish your task and continue to finish your drawing mission at the eighth step.
Step 8 – Finish Your Drawing Mission

Now, you must finish all your drawing tasks here. You must draw the rest of the tank. You will draw more details for the barrel with straight lines and curved lines. You can also add a small ammo above the tank for the purpose of increasing the tank.
Step 9 – Color Tank

Now you have come to the end of the drawing and coloring tank. You can take any color you like or choose colors that are similar to our colors. Here, we take green to the color tank. You can take your favorite colors for your tank because there is no rule in choosing for drawing. Once you get your complete tank, you can go to tank coloring pages and practice coloring because we update many images related to the tank. We update a lot of instructions for how to draw sections. You can come here daily and choose some things to draw. If you like our tutorials, don’t forget to give us a thumb up and recommend them to your friends! You can share our instructions on Facebook; we thank you for that. I hope you get a great time here.