How To Draw Princess Anna – The Details Instructions

Anna appeared in Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 53rd animated film Frozen (2013). She is loosely based on Gerda, a character from the Danish fairytale “The Snow Queen” by Hans Christian Andersen. In this film, Anna is depicted as the princess of Arendelle, a fictional Scandinavian kingdom, and the younger sister of Elsa who is the heiress to the throne and possesses the elemental ability to create and control ice and snow. Anna is a brave girl, when she learned that Elsa was out of the kingdom, she set out to find her sister and is determined to save Elsa and the kingdom. Until now, Anna is the most favorite character, especially girls, they always idolize Princess Anna and the image of Anna has become familiar with their items such as shoes, pants, shirts, books, hats. …

In this article, We will guide you through drawing beautiful princess Anna. We will guide you step by step so that you can easily observe and learn to draw better. Plus, we have an illustration image for you every step of the way, so take a look and pencil in our pictures.

How to Draw Princess Anna – Let’s get started!

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With learning to draw Princess Anna, you will have the opportunity to understand more about this beautiful character. Thanks to the popularity and attraction of the film and world-famous, the film is shown on many different TV channels serving the audience, especially the girl audience. You can learn to draw with your friends, your children, your relatives,…

Step 1 – Draw Face Outline. For Anna

To start this step on how to draw Anna, you will begin with her face outline. You will sketch her face with some basic strokes. There is quite a distinctive style to her face that helps her to fit into the type of the film. You can draw this outline using a curving line, and you may want to try and replicate it exactly as it appears in the reference image. You use primary curves to sketch her face.

Step 2- Draw Eyes, Noses, Mouth, And Eyebrow For Anna.

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In this step, you will start to draw eyes, noses, mouths, and eyes for Anna. It’s not too tricky, but it’s not easy when performing the task in this step. Please patiently look at our pictures and draw along. You can draw her eyes as some relatively large, rounded shapes and then add small circles for her pupils. Then, her nose and mouth will be drawn using simple lines, and then her thin, smiling mouth will go beneath. You will give Anna a beautiful face with lovely strings of eyes, nose, and mouth, draw and look at your work.

Step 3- Draw Anna’ Hairstyle.

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The character Anna here has her hair braided and tied around her head. These can be a little tricky to draw, so as you add them to your Anna marking, you’ll want to try and take it section by section while closely following our image to make an example.

Step 4 – Draw Anna’s Body.

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Now, you start drawing body for Princess Anna. You will pull straight down from Anna’s face to form Anna’s body, which is a lovely dress. In this line, you will make several cuts with a few strokes of your pen. It is simple in this step. Please look at our image and follow it!

Step 5 – Finish your Drawing Task.

Now you’re ready to finish off the final outlines of your Anna drawing. Please don’t forget to create her arms as well. You draw two more lines coming down from her sleeve, opening for the associate of her top. Here, you will add some decoration details for her dress, such as dots and flowers.

Step 6- Color Anna.

You will choose the suitable for Anna in this step. Very simple to realize your mission in this step. You know that Anna has light yellow hair and wears a blue dress so that you can choose light yellow for her hair and blue color for her dress as our Anna character.

You can go to Anna Coloring Pages on our site to practice drawing and coloring because we have many Anna Coloring Pages for you.